Debbie Bishop-Lane
Pounds lost: 179
Inches lost: 140
Dress sizes lost: 10
"The overwhelming feeling of achievement was astonishing. I felt like Cinderella must have felt at her ball."
Debbie Bishop-Lane BeforeBEFORE Debbie Bishop-Lane AfterAFTER

After walking out on an office Christmas dinner because, at 366 pounds, she couldn't fit behind the table, a determined Debbie Bishop-Lane walked into her local Curves, which she had joined a month before. A year later, she was 179 pounds lighter. And as she dressed for that year's Christmas party, her youngest daughter put her arms around her mom, told her how much she loved her, and how beautiful she was. "The overwhelming feeling of achievement was astonishing," Debbie says. "I felt like Cinderella must have felt at her ball."

Karyl Otten
Karyl Otten
Karyl Otten has always been faithful at her workouts – but added an extra punch while she did Curves Complete. She made a conscious decision to work hard every day and always felt better after she finished her workout. She said Curves Complete is an easy plan to follow and she never got hungry. She was able to pick the foods she liked and feels she has changed her eating habits for life. She attributes much of her success to the love and support of the wonderful ladies at Curves!
Suzi Rowe
Suzi Rowe

Suzi Rowe - My daughter had to cut out sugar and flour for a few weeks, so I did the same. Instead of eating breads, cereals, and pastas, we ate oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice. I was amazed that I became less achy, more energetic, and have “shrunk”. The last five pounds that I have been trying and trying to lose are gone now!

Barbara Clark
Barbara Clark
Barbara Clark is the Curves member we all aspire to be! At 85, she comes in to work out every day, and says she is stronger and healthier than ever! Recently, she even hiked up to Cascade Falls!
Sandy Brickert
Sandi Brickert
Sandi Brickert made a commitment with Curves Complete to lose weight and body fat – but even more wanted to change her eating habits and learn to eat better. She also wanted to change her exercise habits and become more active. SHE IS A SUCCESS!! She says the program was the “right thing” and she “knew what she had to do” – though she had to make some modifications because of age and health conditions. She’s a great example for how it’s never too late to take control of your life and be who YOU WANT TO BE!
Marlene McClellan
Marlene McClellan
Marlene McClellan says the key to success with Curves Complete is being “careful” – using portion control and measuring the amount of food you actually eat. By faithfully eating five times a day you are never really hungry and so are more resistant to overeating. She was able to reach her goal and not only lost the ten pounds she has struggled with for many years, but even lost another three pounds after the ninety days were finished due to increased metabolism. Her advice to all is “DON’T GIVE UP!”
Evella Gillette
Evella Gillette
My name is Evela Gillette and I joined Curves this past September. I recently was weighed and measured and I am so excited about the results so far. I’ve lost 6 lbs. and 20 inches on this body of mine. I can’t believe that just a 30 minute workout 3-5 times a week could give me these results. I must admit, I had always heard about Curves and was a skeptic that I could lose any weight, let alone inches with just a 30 min FUN workout but it really does work! The friendly staff at Curves always welcomes everyone with a big smile and hello. I’m delighted to meet some wonderful ladies at Curves and always enjoy our visits while working out. I recently joined in on a Zumba class and loved it too. Thanks to Curves, I’m on my way to losing weight, inches and feeling great. HOORAY FOR EVELA! Since September 2012 she has lost 25.5 inches and 26 pounds of body fat!!!!
Photo to come
I don’t like diets, so when I was asked to teach the Curves Diet in 2005, I decided to follow it first so I could teach it properly. I lost 8 pounds, and learned how to be in control of my weight instead of it controlling me! It’s not a diet – it’s a way of life! I have kept off those 8 pounds, but when I gain a couple, I know what to do to lose them again. Heaven! With a great workout and a wonderful diet, no wonder we love Curves!